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Head's Welcome

I would like to welcome you to St Peter's School and our work to further develop our superb reputation for the care students receive. Though the welfare of our young people is paramount I want all our students to achieve their potential, becoming successful adults within the local community and the world beyond. Learning is at the heart of the school with all students deserving the best teaching. We will achieve success by:

  • Believing all students should achieve their potential
  • Relentlessly driving up the standard of teaching
  • Setting the highest expectations for our students and staff
  • Developing students moral responsibility based upon respect for all, integrity and understanding
  • Engaging with our community on a local, national and global level

I believe that our students should develop into successful members of the local community or progress on to the best universities. By guiding students to take advantage of the opportunities they are given, be it academic, drama, art or community activities, they will become well rounded young people who will join, develop and lead our community in the future.

More than 93% of our Year 11 parents during the October 2023 parents’ evening positively responded to such questions as:

  • My child is happy at St Peter's School
  • My child feels safe at St Peter's School
  • St Peter's School has high expectations for my child
  • My child does well at St Peter's School
  • St Peter's School lets me know how my child is doing
  • I would recommend St Peter's School

This level of response demonstrates our commitment to work with parents to ensure our young people thrive in a safe environment.

If you require further information about St Peter’s please do not hesitate to contact us.

Christopher Bennet